U.S.S. Megastar - NCC-018967

Resolute Class destroyer

One of Starfleets most versatile Starships ever, the Resolute Class destroyer has been vastly inovative with this most revolutionary design.

Megastar Goes Vertical!

The new Front End


Experimental Test Vehicle

Unit Run:

U.S.S. Megastar - NCC-018967


2376 - present


Length 800.2 m
Width 500 m
Height 195.8 m
Decks 64 Mass 9,125,000 tons


1,000+ including family members

Warp Speeds

Normal Cruise Warp 8
Maximum Cruise Warp 9.998
Maximum Rated Warp 9.999989 for twelve hours


19 x Type X Phaser arrays, total phaser output 150,000 TeraWatts
9 x type 3 burst fire photon/quantum torpedo tubes + 400 torpedoes
Antimatter spread emitter

Defense Systems

Automodulated Shield system, total capacity 10,700,000 TeraJoules
Advanced Duranium/Tritanium/carbon neutrnium tripple hull plus 10.0 cm High Density ablative armour
Double level Structural Integrity Field

Diplomatic Capability

Grade 7

Expected Lifetime

100 years

Refit Cycle

Minor 1 year
Standard 5 years
Major 20 years

General Information

The Resolute class was developed to replace the ageing sherman and Ambassador class warships as Starfleets primary defence vessel. The design was initiated in 2370 with a highly inovative specification which called for a ship based in part on the defiant class design then being developed, but being large and more dynamic in its mission role, combat role all within a single multi-mission hull.

many designers regarded the design as too milatiristic; the project suffered from numerous delays due to a wide range of design, manufacturing, and construction problems. The first of the class, the USS Megastar, was launched in 2375 and commissioned in 2376, .

The USS Megastar which emerged from the Victory mobile shipyard design offices had very similar lines to the steamrunner class. The resolute is some 50% larger in volume, although its less compact design gives it considerably greater length than the smaller vessel. The major change between the two is the lack of a mission science facilitys on the resolute class, altho the increased volume allows sections within the hull to be mission customized should the need for science facilitys ever be needed. This combined with a more advanced systems level to allow all functions to be performed by the single design.

In addition the nacelles are located inboard and inside the engineering hull, a position which increases the efficiency of the warp drive field slightly. This gives the resolute class warp coils an efficiency of 90% at speeds of up to Warp 8 and 95% through Warp 9.1 - the comparable figures for the steamrunner class are 84% and 47% respectively.

This variant lends itself to experimental technology and is currently being used to test a top secret concussion Phaser device.