Ambassador Class
Scientific / Diplomatic Explorer. (Yesterday's Enterprise, TNG)
Enhanced Scientific / Diplomatic Explorer
Unit Run:
U.S.S. Adelphi, NCC-26849
U.S.S. Ambassador, NCC-10521
U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701-C
U.S.S. Excalibur, NCC-26517
U.S.S. Exeter, NCC-26531
U.S.S. Gandhi, NCC-26632
U.S.S. Horatio, NCC-10532
U.S.S. Valdemar, NCC-26198
U.S.S. Zhukov, NCC-62136
plus 39 vessels built since 2332. 22 remain in service
2330 - 2357
Length 529.0 m Width 317 m Height 129.5 m Decks 36 Mass 2,350,000
Warp Speeds
Normal Cruise Warp 6
Maximum Cruise Warp 8.8
Maximum Rated Warp 9.2 for twelve hours
10 x Type IX Phaser arrays, total output 30,000 TeraWatts
2 x Type 1 burst fire photon torpedo tubes + 250 torpedoes
Defense Systems
High capacity shield system, capacity 2,011,500 TeraJoules
Standard Duranium/Tritanium double hull plus 7 cm High Density armour
Standard level Structural Integrity Field
Strength Indices (Galaxy Class=1,000)
Beam Firepower 600
Torpedo Firepower 700
Weapon Range & Accuracy 885
Shield Strength 745
Hull Armour 820
Speed 810
Combat Manoeuvrability 1,500
Overall Strength Index 725
Diplomatic Capability
Grade 6
Expected Lifetime
120 years
Refit Cycle
Minor 1 year
Standard 5 years
Major 25 years
General Information
The Ambassador class was developed during the 2320's as a replacement
for the ageing Excelsior and Constellation classes as Starfleets front-line
Explorer type vessel.
Several innovative new features were included in the new design, most notably
for the diplomatic and scientific missions. The USS Ambassador included high
quality guest quarters and was equipped with elaborate conference facilities.
Many of these areas were capable of maintaining a wide range of environments, a
vital prerequisite for a vessel which would spend a great deal of its life
dealing with non-standard life forms. These facilities allowed her to host a
much wider range of diplomatic functions than the more cramped Excelsior class,
Although it did lead to the class being dubbed "space hotels" in some
quarters. The scientific facilities of the Ambassador class were equally well
equipped. The ships contained the most powerful space borne sensor arrays of
their time, including eighteen modular sensor pallets for mission specific
equipment. Twenty eight large dedicated laboratory facilities are included in
the ship, along with facilities to convert three of the cargo bays to hold
extra scientific equipment if necessary. This gave the Ambassador an estimated
450% increase in research capabilities over an Excelsior class vessel.
While the primary purpose of a starship is exploratory and scientific, the
Ambassadors also have teeth. The class introduced phaser arrays to Starfleet in
place of the ball turret phasers carried by previous designs. This measure
greatly increased the ability of the Ambassador class to fire sustained bursts,
and greatly reduced the recharge and cool down times.
The use of an independent power system for every group of ten emitter segments
in the array triples the survivability of the array compared to a ball turret,
while there are also benefits to the reaction time, greater control of thermal
effects, field halos and target impact. Overall the phaser arrays of the
Ambassador are over 65% more effective than ball turrets of similar power.
The concept of burst firing photon torpedoes was another first; although fitted
with the same number of torpedo tubes as the Excelsior class, the Ambassadors
ability to fire five torpedoes at a time from each tube effectively gave her
ten tubes in place of two.
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to, and copyrighted to R. Lockling 1999. Page maintained by D. Coons. All ships
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