Victory shipyards main facility

This is phase two of the victory shipyards project...phase one the prototype for the vitory project was destroyed on it's first warp core start up .there was a failure in the coolant systems and the station tore it'self apart.Phase Two is the primary facility it houses the main construction and repair facilitys big enough for 12 galaxy class starship. 22 seperate pods and repair plaforms.housing for over 2000 permenant crew and visitors a large three level promenade and rec facilitys second only to a few major starbases.

Starships exeter and montgomery undergoing repairs

Victory Shipyards specs

Station Info: 
Starbase/construction facility
Sub-Group: Defense/Research
Commisioned:Victory shipyards SCF-001
Commanding Officer: Captain Daniel Jackson

General Info:
Max. Capacity = 8,000 "emergency numbers"
Standard Crew = 1, 730
Currnet Crew = 1,011
Current Civilians =  500
Length: 5,536 ft.
Width: 2,268 ft.
(10) Holodeck on Deck #50
(15) Two-person Shuttlepods Type 16
(8) Standard Shuttlepods Type 15
(22) Cargo Shuttles Type 9
(12) Personnel Shuttles Type 6
(18) Personnel Shuttles Type 7
(12) Standard Runabouts
(800) Standard Escape Pods (carry 4 persons each)
(22) Docking Pylons
(2) Permantly Stationed Starships
     1. Nebula Class - - USS Galactic NCC-78987
     2. Dauntless Class - - USS Halifax NCC-1999-A
     3. Proton Class    - - USS Proton NX-100000
     4. Soverign Class  - - USS Osiris 

Propulsion: 400 Standard Manuvering Thrusters

(100) Phaser Banks - - Type X (banks of 4)
(24) Photon Torpedo Tubes - - Type EE (twin)
(20) Quantum Torpedo Tubes - - (single)

Minimum Dissipation 5.5X10 to the 8kW
Aux. System - 85% of Primary

Computer System: LCARS w/standard back-up

(20) Personal (8 person platforms)
(55) Cargo
(20) Emergency

Enhanced Long Range Capabilities

(100) Class I Sensor Probes
(60) Class II Sensor Probes
(30) Class III Planetary Probes
(20) Class IV Stellar Encounter Probes
(20) Class V Medium-range Reconnaissance Probes
(20) Class VI Communication Relay/Emergency Probes
(20) Class VII Remote Culture Study Probes

Deck Layout:
Deck #1 = OPS/yards management
Deck #2-3 = Orbital Management
Deck #4-8 = Stations massive construction Bays
Deck #9-12 = Docking Pylons
Deck #13-14 = main promenade/Gym, Pool, Various Courts, Arboretum, Natural Gardens
Deck #15 = Bar/Lounge/Messhall - - Daycare - - Classrooms
Deck #16-17 = Station Maintenence
Deck #18-19 = Waste Management
Deck #20-21 = Promenade small merchants only
Deck #22-42 = Crew Quarters
Deck #43-49 = Civilian Quarters
Deck #50 = Recreation - - Holodecks
Deck #51-54 = Engineering
Deck #55-57 = Science
Deck #58-60 = Medical
Deck #61-62 = Security
Deck #63-68 = Cargo Holds
Deck #69 = Main Fusion Reactor
Deck #70 = Subspace Relay Post
Deck #71-73 = Torpedo Storage
Deck #74 = Public Shuttle Bays
Deck #75 = Environmental Control Management
Deck #76-80=Research and development
Deck #81-96 industrial replicator control
Deck #97-100 Tug ship docking bays

Victory Shipyards subspace links

Victory Shipyards phase 3: a tour of phase 3 of the yards